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JSUOnline Workshops

Faculty Training

Jackson State University’s JSUOnline certifies faculty to teach online. The approval process requires that instructors successfully complete the following three foundational training courses (Catalog of Workshops):

Required Foundational Courses

Training is usually blended, where faculty are in a traditional classroom but receiving online instruction. This training method allows the trainer to provide hands-on assistance and the instructor to practice using the online system.

Faculty knowledge and skills are assessed during the training or immediately following. Faculty member are certified as “proficient” or “not proficient” after the training is completed.

Continuing Education in Distance Learning

Faculty teaching online courses will have knowledge and skills of contemporary technologies and pedagogical techniques by participating in individual and group professional development activities.

After successfully completing the foundational trainings, faculty are encouraged to enhance their proficiency in the use of Canvas tools, in order to enhance instruction and content delivery. The following courses are provided to enhance online teaching proficiency:

Canvas Tools for Experienced Users


The JSUOnline staff offers the following courses to train the faculty in the use of contemporary and emerging uses of technology:

Instructional & Professional Enhancement



JSUOnline awards two certificates: (1) A Certificate of Completion and (2) A Certification of Participation.

A Certificate of Completion denotes “proficient,” while a Certificate of Participation documents the faculty member’s participation in the training session.


Registration for all workshops is offered on a first-come, first-served basis and space is limited. Complete Online Registration here.

*Please note that faculty and instructors must complete the required workshops before teaching an online course.

The JSU Difference

JSU is an environment that inspires you to grow, learn, and reach beyond the ordinary. This is a “home away from home” where every student can find their place – academically, socially, and culturally.
One of the nation’s top historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), JSU provides a culture of self-discovery and shared experience where its students are able to develop strong sense of self in a challenging yet nurturing environment that empowers them for personal and professional success.

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The JSU Online Experience

Through distance learning, traditional and nontraditional students have the opportunity to receive quality instruction without the limitations of geographical boundaries and space.

Join us for an excellent educational experience and work toward completing your degree and achieving your long-term career goals – All at your convenience in a virtual supportive learning space!



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